
‘Linlith-Go-Solar – A community energy enterprise for Linlithgow’

Our community energy enterprise project aims to make solar work for the benefit of the whole town.

Linlith-go-solar will;

  • Put solar panels on various locations throughout the town.
  • Sell the energy generated to the local community.
  • Use the surplus revenue created to help community initiatives.

At the end of 2018, our Phase 1 pilot successfully raised £17k in Community Bonds to install a Solar PV panel system at Linlithgow Rugby Club and showed the appetite and support for green energy within the town. The success of this pilot led to Phase 2. A grant from Scottish Power Energy Networks Green Economy Fund and another successful Community Bond Offer (raising an incredible £25k) allowed us to install additional panels at the Rugby Club, plus panels at Linlithgow Golf Club and Linlithgow Sports Club in early 2020.

These solar panels are now producing cheap electricity for the clubs and paying back bondholders, not to mention being eco-friendly. Over the years ahead as the initiative make a surplus, this will allow LCDT to reinvest back into the community to support local projects. Responding to Scotland’s Green Recovery opportunities and the climate crisis, we are now looking to accelerate our Phase 3 plans and ambitions. Our vision is for a Linlithgow that is sustainable in
energy, creating local jobs, business opportunities, community benefits, as well as young people’s opportunities, who are at the heart of this developing social enterprise.

Benefits to local people & community

Short-term (Year 1):

  • Savings in energy supply costs and carbon for Linlithgow’s Rugby Club.
  • Demonstrating we can own and deliver an energy enterprise that will put money back into local community projects.
  • Training and voluntary opportunities for our young people, including social media, marketing, technical and enterprise activities — already underway.
  • Investment opportunity in solar energy even if you don’t have suitable roof or land.

Long-term (Year 2 and beyond):

Phase 2 will involve scaling up the project to other roof and ground locations, and this will:

  • Generate a significant community benefit fund over 25 years.
  • Create jobs, volunteering and training opportunities in managing and developing the new enterprise.
  • Provide cheaper, greener, accessible local supplies of electricity owned and run by the community.

If you would like to discuss the project further, please do not hesitate to contact local trustee Neil Barnes, Tel: 07827294879 or 01506 238935 for more information and/or an informal discussion about the project.