Tool Library

We are now open at 6-7 The Vennel, Linlithgow, EH49 7TF (what 3 words: ///joyously.monks.reviewed) for collections on a Monday and Friday morning from 10.30 until 12.30 and on a Tuesday evening from 5-7pm. You can browse our inventory, join and book out an item by CLICKING HERE.

Follow the Linlithgow Tool Library on Social Media for the latest news. Find us on Twitter and Facebook.

What is a Tool Library? 

A Tool Library works just like a normal library, but instead of books, you are able to borrow from a wide array of tools and equipment. Our aim is to save the local community the expense, hassle, storage space and resources required to buy new items.

The Linlithgow Tool Library is hosted by MyTurn, an easy and intuitive online system.

How Does It Work?

To be able to borrow tools you must first become a member. We are offering this service for £25 per year which includes unlimited item borrowing. We however want the Tool Library to be an accessible resource for everyone in our community so please do speak to us if you feel unable to commit to this fee.

1. Sign up as a member online

2. Reserve your tool in advance through our online catalogue on MyTurn.

3. Collect your tool during your chosen Tool Library session. If it’s your first time borrowing you will need to email a proof of address and photo ID. 

4. Return your tool to us a week later at the same time you took it. Need the tool for longer? Just extend your booking online.

Do you take donations?

Yes! In fact, the vast majority of our inventory has been donated by members of the local community. As we have a substantial inventory now, contact us to see if your donation fulfils a need within the Library

Newly donated tools are refurbished by our Tool Rescue volunteers, fully PAT tested and added to our Tool Library inventory. If we cannot use the tools donated, we will pass them on to other reuse charities such as Garvald or Tools with a Mission. Any excess tools may be sold, to raise funds to keep our Tool Library running.

workshop hands

More from Linlithgow Tool Library


We have some dedicated volunteers who give their time to help refurbish and mend donated tools and we are very grateful for their support. If you would like to lend your expertise to this friendly and knowledgeable group, please do get in touch!

Workshops and Classes

In the past we have run a series of taught workshops designed to help pass on skills and knowledge and reduce waste in many aspects of your life. These include up-cycling, sewing, woodwork, carving and more. We will be running more events in future, so keep in touch and follow us on Facebook to hear about new events.


Are you keen to fix broken belongings and join the fight against throw-away culture? Our team of skilled volunteers and keen amateurs try their best to help you do just that. We have been holding Repair Cafés since Spring 2023. If you’re interested in coming along please follow us on Facebook, where we advertise all new events.