Linlithgow Farmily

Who are we?

Linlithgow Farmily is a community of people having a go at growing their own in gardens and on windowsills. It was set up by the team at Narrowboat Farm in 2020 in response to the coronavirus pandemic and the overwhelming demand for produce.

We support and enable people across the Linlithgow area to grow and create their own mini-farms at home and in shared community spaces, through the hands-on process of learning and trying.

We encourage proactive support between members, by sharing plants, equipment, seeds, advice and encouragement, while promoting environmental sustainability, self-sufficiency and community ownership. Our supportive micro-farming community welcomes everyone, prioritises wellbeing and positive mental health. We champion the spirit of have-a-go, make-do-and-mend, get-stuck-in and do-it-yourself.

For the last couple of years we’ve held seed swapping and seed potato events at EH49 Hub and we became an LCDT project in 2023.


Spring: Seed swap

Summer: Seedling swap

Autumn: Harvest

Winter: Christmas foliage crafts

Join Linlithgow Farmily on Facebook or follow our social media channels to keep up to date with future event details.

sunflower starter bags
Our sunflower starter kits were popular!

Join us!

You can get involved with Farmily activities by joining our group on Facebook, and keep up with our news on Instagram or Twitter.