Linlithgow Community Development Trust has just been awarded £32k funding from the Scottish Government Covid-19 Supporting Communities Fund.
This funding will run until the end of September and help:
- coordinate and support the local community response to the pandemic, particularly for groups supporting older, isolated and infirm people, and families and households in need,
- support and promote good communication across the whole community with local information.
There are many groups in Linlithgow providing support to the community at this time. Linlithgow’s strength is the many groups, volunteers and businesses ready to help those in need. LCDT has been working with 1st Step, Linlithgow Link, Linlithgow’s Young Person’s Project and Linlithgow’s Coronavirus Support Group helping everyone work together.
Ensuring all groups work together and in line with Council, NHS and other public sector responses, will be very important to ensure we support those most in need safely, and in the best ways possible, keeping up with all national developments, throughout this crisis. LCDT, is developing collaborations with the Community Council and OneLinlithgow Business Improvement District, to help coordinate the community responses. We are also working with the Black Bitch Magazine.