Cycling for all – Linlithgow hopes to deliver Scotland’s first ever closed road circuit!

Linlithgow Community Development Trust is owned and managed by the local community, working in partnership with other community groups, local businesses and the public sector.

Our aim is to make Linlithgow a better place to live and work, through a community led plan of action which provides services, amenities and financial support to local initiatives.

When the Trust was established in 2012 we held a community consultation which helped identify a multi-sport facility as a priority for the town, to include cycling, athletics and a skatepark.

Our vision

The aim is to build Scotland’s first ever closed road cycle circuit. 1km of quality track for everyone to enjoy. Giving everyone across central Scotland an opportunity to access a safe, traffic free cycling environment, from local cycle groups, Bikeability classes, disabled cycling, anyone dropping in for a fun day out, and even aspiring Olympians for some serious training!

Alongside the cycle circuit there will be a pump track, an athletics track with athletics facilities, plus a skatepark.

To find out more about the project HERE.

We’ve come a long way, but we’re still busy fundraising to make this vision a reality.

Please show your support – sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with the latest project news.

Kettilstoun Community Sports Hub – The Master Plan

Here at last is our latest masterplan detailing our proposals to create a multi sports hub at Kettilstoun Mains. We hope you like it! (Click for full size PDF)


We commissioned PMR Leisure to produce this plan back in Spring 2014 and, subject to the usual planning, funding, design and consultation processes, we hope to make this plan a reality in partnership with West Lothian Council (WLC) and West Lothian Leisure (WLL) over the coming months and years.

Delivery will most likely be phased over time and some details may yet change with the above plan representing our overall aspiration for the Kettilstoun site as a centre for sporting excellence in Linlithgow.

The above diagram was presented to the Trust in September after an extended consultation process, along with a written report summarised below.

Report Summary

Long term aims of the project:

  • To provide a home for local sports clubs that do not have current training facilities and storage space of their own
  • To help the clubs improve sporting participation, health and fitness
  • To complement existing facilities to create a regional sporting facility for events, coaching and training
  • To deliver a shared use community building for use by other clubs and community bodies including non sporting clubs.

Key features:

  • 1600 metre long multi loop Closed Road cycling and running track for shared use
  • Sprint Lanes/Long Jump area
  • Field athletics area
  • BMX Track and Skate Board Park
  • New landscaping along A706 and provision for cyclo-cross training/racing
  • Events/Marquee space
  • Multi user Community Sports Hub Building to include possible cafe, office space, community room, meeting room, training room, sports changing rooms, toilets, sports kit storage space, kayak storage space
  • Additional car parking in addition to that already planned by WLL/WLC

It is worth noting that these are in addition to separate proposals from WLL and WLL/WLC namely the Leisure Centre extension and new 3G football pitch.

The Hub building in particular is still very much open to further consultation with potential users and residents of Linlithgow. Maybe you run a club that needs more space and would like a home, or perhaps you just have a general suggestion for a possible use of the structure. Please let us know what you think! Click here for more information on what kinds of purposes community sports hubs serve or alternatively visit the Sport Scotland website.

Stakeholders Group

To drive the project forward from here, the Trust has set up a Stakeholders Group to steer, shape and deliver the project and also plan for its future management once built. So far it comprises representatives from the LCDT, West Lothian Clarion cycling club, Linlithgow Rose Community Football Club, Linlithgow Reed Band, Linlithgow Kayak Club, Linlithgow Athletics, WLC, WLL and an individual canal enthusiast who also has considerable experience of fund raising. If you feel you could contribute to this group then we want to hear from you.

The Trust has applied to the Legacy 2014 Sustainable Sport for Communities fund for £25,000 to enable the Stakeholders Group to develop a business plan, and to contribute towards funding further land surveys, legal costs and building design. The crucial date of the 27 November is when we will know if we have been successful or not. Watch this space as we will let you know the outcome with a post on the website.

The master plan was also developed with input from national sporting bodies for football, cycling, athletics and kayaking. These organisations are, along with Sport Scotland, highly supportive of the plans. Remember however, this does not mean we have instant access to funding – we still need a business plan in order to make our case stand up.

How can I help?

  • Join the Trust – the more members we have, the more credible our proposals are taken and the more likely we are to secure vital funding
  • Practical assistance – if you have relevant skills and/or time to spare please consider helping us in delivery of the project – just drop us a line letting us know who you are and what you are interested in
  • Get your club involved – if you can see benefits from this project for a club you are involved with, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

To join the Trust either:

  • Pick up a paper membership form from Linlithgow Library
  • Join online

Our goal is to be able to say that we have 10% of the town’s population behind us by the end of the year! Help us reach our target!

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you all for the benefit of Linlithgow. This report is just the beginning – there is still a long road ahead.

Kettilstoun Draft Plans

Below are the draft plans for the Kettilstoun scheme. These are not the final plans but give an idea as to what kinds of facilities can be expected to be included in the final plans and an idea of the possible layout of the site. Click here to view a larger copy of the original PDF document. Please let us know your thoughts on the draft plans by sending us an email at

The draft plans for the Kettilstoun Project
The draft plans for the Kettilstoun Project

Kettilstoun Project and AGM

LCDT’s AGM will be upon us soon.

Queen Margaret Hall, Blackness Road is booked for 2pm on 15th March, and everyone is welcome to attend.

We are looking for new members to join the trust and for some new people to join the board of trustees too.

At the AGM, we’ll start with a display of projects/ideas. Some we are developing at good pace, with the support of local organisations, and others just ideas to explore with our members to see what they think.

The majority of the time will be given to giving a progress report on the Kettilstoun sports project. To hear your views.

We’ll also chat about community hubs, community energy, play parks, etc.

At the AGM, formal matters will be managed in terms of board members stepping down, being re-elected, new trustees, etc.

Ultimately this is a community company, run by local people, for local people. We need your support and encouragement to continue to do great things in our community and to re-invest any profits or benefit back into our community.

If you are interested in being a trustee and on the board, then please contact our Chair, Gillian Fawcitt.