We are very pleased to announce the launch of our second Community Bond Offer for Phase 2 of Linlith-Go-Solar!
This is your chance to make an ethical investment which will support community and climate benefits for the people of Linlithgow.
You can apply to invest online at the Scottish Communities Finance Ltd website.
We are looking to raise £25,000 which will fund the installation of Solar PV panels at Linlithgow Golf Club, Linlithgow Sports Club and a secondary system at Linlithgow Rugby Club, who were involved in Phase 1 of the project.
We are also pleased to be able to offer an increased interest rate for all investments, compared with the first Community Bond offer.
Here just some of the reasons to invest:
- Profits from the project will be reinvested back into the community to support local projects.
- Local clubs will get electricity at a lower price.
- Solar energy will reduce the environmental impact of community sites across the town.
- Local clubs will be supported to become sustainable, enabling them to offer better benefits to members.
- Your investment will be returned in full with interest when matured.
Follow us on Facebook to keep updated with all the latest news about the Community Bond Offer and the Linlith-Go-Solar project. We have big plans for Phase 3!
This project has received funding and support through a CARES grant to help us fund a Project Manager from Locogen, and CARES loans towards the development and installation costs. Scottish Communities Finance Ltd manage the Bond for us and we would also like to thank them for their support with marketing the Bond Offer.
This support has allowed our small group of LCDT volunteers to make this project happen. Thank you!