West Lothian Cycle Circuit Crowdfunder Launch


Watch our inspiring crowdfunder video at www.crowdfunder.co.uk/letsbuildit which explains what our project is all about and make a pledge for your chance to get one of our amazing rewards.

The video features Commonwealth Games medalist, James McCallum (along with a cast of hundreds!), explains why we need to build the West Lothian Cycle Circuit. This is the final piece of funding to build phase 1 of the cycle circuit in Linlithgow, West Lothian.

We want to get more people riding bikes and benefiting from the physical and mental health benefits that cycling can bring.

This £30K crowdfunder is aiming to raise enough money to erect 27 floodlights around the perimeter of the circuit so that cycling can continue all year round.

Our core values are:

• Helping people of all ages and abilities improve their physical and mental health.
• A safe environment to increase cycling confidence.
• Creating a more sustainable, healthier, happier and better connected community.

What is it?

  • Phase one is a 0.5km, tarmac traffic-free circuit in Linlithgow. Made up of 2 loops that are fenced and floodlit for year-round use.
  • Open for individual drop in sessions, club use and organised activities.
  • Phase two extends the circuit to a full km with an additional two loops

Find out more at www.westlothiancyclecircuit.org and thank you to everyone that came along to help celebrate the launch!