Anyone for Cake? 

Our Community Groups consultation and Volunteering event held earlier in the year, helped build a picture of how LCDT can support the town’s fabulous community sector. What came through loud and clear is that Community and Voluntary Groups want more opportunities to come together, to share ideas and collaborate.

So, we have created the Linlithgow Community Cake

–      Bi-monthly free events, each focussing on a
different theme.

–      A relaxed evening, with drinks and cake, for
anyone representing a local Community
Group or Voluntary Organisation.

–      An opportunity to discuss challenges, share
tips and learn from an expert speaker.
The first Community Cake will be held on Sunday 17th September and is focussed on Recruiting Volunteers. Find out more and register your interest here.

Please make sure to RSVP to ensure we have enough space … and of course, enough cake!